About Pat
As director of Agency Avenue Schinellas, Pat Schinella brings a wealth of business knowledge and experience to the company.
Pat's exceptional sales and business skills have seen him run various commercial enterprises in Adelaide, SA and Broken Hill, NSW. Establishing his own real estate business in Broken Hill, Pat built a highly successful company which grew to become Broken Hill's largest real estate agency. His real estate and business knowledge is unsurpassed and an invaluable resource in assisting new franchisees at Agency Avenue run solid and successful businesses.
Pat redefines “practicing what you preach”. His dedication to client care and an unrivalled work ethic have seen him earn numerous awards – culminating in the Chairman's Circle Award and Diamond Award to recognise his achievement as the Number One Salesperson in Australasia in a major international real estate network.
But Pat's passion for real estate does not end at the sales and management level. He also founded his own property development company, Schinella Development Investments, which has managed various highly successful property development projects in both the residential and commercial property sectors.
A natural born salesman and business leader with an extraordinary flair for negotiation, Pat's supreme skills and experience are an invaluable asset to those selling their home - Real world advice to with your real estate decisions.